Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Columbus And New Peoples Notes

Columbus - Hero Adventurer

No one wants to think of why Europeans are in the U.S.

Morrison states that Columbus did commit Genocide, but this is only one page in a 700 page book.

We must not think of the states as our own

The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you dont listen you will not know justice.

Puritans used the Bible to kick the Natives out Romans 13:2 and Psalms 2:8.

Powhatan wanted peace not war, and would give the english what they wanted, but the English wanted to kill the Natives.

They thought that if the Native did not alter the land, they did not claim it.

Also the way to win a war was to:
1.) Destroy to the will to wage war (Total Warfare)
      a.) Massacre
      b.) Destroy Villages
      c.) Steal People

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