Monday, August 29, 2011

New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania

New York

Dutch as New Amsterdam 1621

1664 English take it.

King Charles gives Colony to his Brother, the Duke of York.

1691 New York was allowed to set up a legislature

Freedom of religion, diverse population: Germans, Dutch, natives, Puritans, Swedes

New Jersey

Duke of York gave the southern part of his colony to John Berkley and George Carteret

This becomes New Jersey.

1702 New Jersey Becomes Royal Colony.


William Penn asked King Charles for land in payment for debt

This land was to be an experiment and a place where quakers could go

1682 - Philadelphia was founded.

1701 - charter of liberty set up self government

1704 - Delaware splits for Pennsylvania. Swedes, Dutch, English.


1632 - George Calvert, Lord Baltimore, sets up Maryland as a Catholic Colony. It Didn't stay catholic for long a Protestant move in.

1729 - The City of Baltimore is Founded


1663 - Carolinas set up by Charles II

1680 - Charlestown founded.

1708 - 1/2 population was slaves

1729 - North + South split


Set-up to give a place for debaters to go and start life over.

For Britain it offered a buttress between Spain and the rest of the colonies.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Notes Aug. 26, Settlers

         Befriended the natives and brought them in contact with Massoit + the
         Wampanog Indians

John Winthrop
1629 governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony
1630 The Great Migration - 15,000 Puritans coming to Massachusetts

1630 Puritans, First written constitution
Thomas Hooker

Roger Williams -
- Forms Rhode Island

New Hampshire
John Wheelwright
-1638 Founded, 1679 Independant

Pequot War

King Phillips War

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

13 Colonies


Spanish Explorers

Ponce De Leon- Fountain of Youth
Vasco Nunez

French Explorers

Jaques Cartier

13 Colonies

Virginia- Tobbaco, Jamestown

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Zinn Columbus Reaction

I was surprised by the Columbus Passage, I knew that most people have done bad things in their life, but not like Columbus. Columbus seemed like an awesome adventurer to me, yet in the eleven pages I read my thought of him instantly changed. From a good person to a man killing demon from hell. Yet, most of the things that he did in 1491 was completely fine in that period. Slaves were still used and most people didn't think of the Native American's as People, but as savage beasts. As savage beasts and not actual humans they could do whatever they wanted to do with them. Also Columbus was pressured to get gold and other precious items, like land, and he had to drive them away or work them to death. Though he seems Horrible in our time he was less evil back then. Columbus has done horrible things in his life but has done a lot more great things.

Columbus And New Peoples Notes

Columbus - Hero Adventurer

No one wants to think of why Europeans are in the U.S.

Morrison states that Columbus did commit Genocide, but this is only one page in a 700 page book.

We must not think of the states as our own

The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you dont listen you will not know justice.

Puritans used the Bible to kick the Natives out Romans 13:2 and Psalms 2:8.

Powhatan wanted peace not war, and would give the english what they wanted, but the English wanted to kill the Natives.

They thought that if the Native did not alter the land, they did not claim it.

Also the way to win a war was to:
1.) Destroy to the will to wage war (Total Warfare)
      a.) Massacre
      b.) Destroy Villages
      c.) Steal People

Monday, August 22, 2011

Answers to Study Questions Ch. 1.

1) Create a chart with a list of Native Americans according to each region. For this chart give dates (if possible) for the raise and fall of the group. Also, include major achievements of each group.

People of the North |Last to Cross |Survive in Cold Climates, Igloos Warm Clothing
People of the West | |Resources of Forest & Sea, Canoes, Smoking Salmon
People of the SW | |Built Adobes, Hunters and Gatherers, Raised Sheep
People of the Plains | |Tepees, Used Horses, Grew Maize, squash and Beans
People of the E&SE   | |Iroquois League, Wanted Peace, Grew Corn, Tobacco, Squash and Others
2) What is your general impression of the Americas before the arrival of Columbus?
Intelligent, yet behind the rest of the world.
3) What groups formed the Iroquois League? When was this group formed and for what reason?
Onondaga, Seneca, Mohawk, Oneida, Cayuga, FOR PEACE
4) What are hieroglyphics? What Native groups used them?
Writing using pictures, Mayans.
5) What type of dwelling was common among the people of the Southwest?
6) What was the first crop raised by Native Americans in Mexico?
REVIEW FROM YESTERDAY - you should know and answer the following:

1) What was the population of the Americas in 1491?
1.15 million
2) What advantages did the Europeans have over the Native Americans?
Guns, Boats, Immunity, and Writing
3) How did the crusades effect (or lead to) the discovery of the Americas?
Because people wanted to get to India, for trade, of spices and silks, so some (Columbus) went across the ocean into America.
4) What did Europe want in the East Indies (China, Japan, India)?
Silks, Spices, Trade and Science, because some people could learn and not be focused only on food.
5) How was Marco Polo important to the Discovery of the Americas?
He had a book, "The Travels of Marco Polo" about his travels and was published, many people read his book, including  Columbus. Columbus was inspired by his book and  tried to travel to Asia.